Sunday, February 27, 2011

Water outage at Boulder Creek

Hello all,

This afternoon, we attempted to locate a leak on the upper portion of the Boulder Creek water system that is leaking more than the pumps are able to supply.  This leak has drained the reservoir and left the upper system without water.  We searched until dark without success.  As a last resort, we have closed the valve at the reservoir to allow it to fill up overnight.  First thing in the morning, we will open the valve to restore water pressure and allow customers to fill containers.  We will leave the water on as long as possible, but we expect that the leak will drain the reservoir quickly.  We are hoping that while the water is turned on in the morning, the increased pressure will allow us to find the leak.  Once the leak is located, we will fix it as soon as possible. 

If you have any questions, our office will have the latest information on the repair.  Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
